Mountain Lion Workshop
Mountain Lions, Elusive, Yet Predictable
These personal workshops are designed for individuals who want to learn how to efficiently and successfully find mountain lion activity and capture mountain lion footage and images in a specific area. The workshop is customized for the client’s area, up to 100 square miles.
Review the client feedback about this workshop. Every client who has used the information from this workshop has successfully found mountain lion activity within three weeks of the workshop.
If you have an area in mind that you’d like to explore, please send me the GPS coordinates for the middle of this area and email it to davidneils@gmail.com. I’ll review the area and respond within 24 hours. From there we can discuss your goals and the workshop benefits in detail.
The workshop includes:
Two 90 minute zoom calls to cover the next five points below.
Mapping the hunting and travel routes of mountain lions in the client’s chosen area
Providing twenty specific locations to look for mountain lion activity
Strategies for using handheld cameras as well as remote camera traps
Leveraging what David Neils has learned from his camera locations in Colorado and Montana
Detailed instruction on how to look for and apply the four natural factors I use to pinpoint mountain lion activity
Focusing on camera setup techniques to maximize professional results
Ongoing support for one year to refine the approach based on the client’s experience
Cost: $500

Client Testimonial
"Photographing mountain lions is hard work. After trying on my own for years, I decided to try and find some help/mentorship. At first, I could only find outfitters that would tree a lion which was too invasive for me. I found Wild Nature Media and was immediately impressed by David Neils and his non-invasive methods to not only study mountain lions but also think like one! His knowledge was astounding and novel to me and soon after, I signed up for a workshop where I learned how to view mountain lion behavior and their habitat in new ways.
Most recently, I also signed up for an outdoor workshop which helped me test some of the knowledge I had gained. I hope to apply the knowledge from those workshops and continue to capture images of mountain lions, learning more and contributing towards a greater understanding of mountain lion behavior."
— Matt Cohen

Interested in learning why mountain lions are elusive yet very predictable?